Difficulties faced by senior citizens

As we get older, we hope that our lives will become easier. We anticipate retirement as the time in our lives when we can finally relax. While the golden years can be some of the best years of our life, there are always concerns. Senior citizens have challenges to overcome that are universal to all ages as well as some issues that are specific to their age group.
The top ten concerns facing senior citizens today include:
1.    Health Care Costs – The older we get, the more healthcare we need. It is important to get screenings for disease and natural aging conditions to catch any health issues in their beginning stages. While doctor visits multiply, medical costs are rising, which can impact one’s retirement budget.

2.    Disease – Alzheimer’s, dementia, cataracts, macular degeneration, and osteoporosis – these health issues and more threaten a person’s day-to-day functioning capabilities. We all know that health issues progress with age. It is important to learn more about coping with health issues before they happen in order to prepare mentally.

3.    Physical Aging – Aging means that we cannot move as quickly as we used to. Our eyes don’t see as clearly and our bones weaken. Nutrition and exercise
    become all the more important as we age.

4.    Physical Assistance – Getting groceries, going to doctor’s visits, even small tasks such as cleaning the house become more difficult as we get older and we may need to have daily assistance or a homecare provider. Finding good help can be a challenge. Using word of mouth is the best way to find compassionate help.

5.    Financial Security – The rising cost of living while living on a fixed income poses new financial restrictions. We may not be able to afford the same comforts of life that we used to.

6.    Loneliness – Getting older means that our friends are aging, as well. It is common for seniors to lose their friends to Alzheimer’s disease or even death. Spending time with remaining friends and family members becomes all the more important. A pet can be wonderful for daily companionship, as well.

7.    Financial Predators – Sadly, it is a fact that there are unscrupulous people looking to prey on senior citizens. They will try to sell unnecessary goods or services to those they see as vulnerable. Share your financial decisions with someone you trust. A financial advisor may be necessary, but most of us have at least one friend or family member willing to offer free advice.

8.    Abuse or Neglect – Nursing homes and assisted living facilities struggle with under-staffing issues, which can lead to abuse or neglect of the residents. Be sure to find a place to live that comes highly recommended by people you trust.

9.    Transportation – Our reflexes can slow as we age and our eyes can become less clear. This may lead us to give up driving for our safety and the safety of others. Thankfully, transportation is available specifically for those who need it, including seniors.

10.  Changing social climate – Adjusting to technological changes is probably the largest social hurdle we can face as senior citizens. See your local library for free classes on using computers.


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